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Customer data protection agreement

This agreement defines how the data should be handled between us and our customer. This appendix is part of Feedbackly General Terms & service agreements.

“We here at Feedbackly take our data security seriously. This is why we put this page together so that you can have 100% clarity on how we handle your data. From this page, you can find everything you need to understand how your data is handled.”

– Feedbackly Team

In brief

Taking effect on 25 May 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of the most important international legislative changes in data protection in decades. The purpose of the regulation is to increase the individual’s rights to manage and process their personal data and to harmonise legislation within the European Union.

Feedbackly is firmly committed to the new Data Protection Regulation and we have been studying it’s content and impact for a while already. In addition to complying with the regulation ourselves, it is important for us to help our customers with their compliance efforts. This goal will be achieved through training, instruction, and technical development of our software.

Feedbackly´s GDPR compliant terms come to force in 1st of april 2018. By using Feedbackly you agree to comply with this data protection agreement.

1. Service agreement and purpouse of this DPA

This DPA has been entered into in connection with the agreement concerning the provision of Feedbackly´s services entered into between the Parties two parties (“Service Agreement”) and this DPA sets additional requirements and details regarding the Supplier’s handling of personal information relating to the Customer’s employees, contractors, partners or other parties (“Personal Data”) on behalf of the Customer in accordance with and as required by the Service Agreement. Subject-matter, nature and purpose of the Processing are defined and agreed under the Service Agreement.

The DPA shall form an integral part of the Service Agreement, meaning that applicable parts of the Service Agreement (including its provisions on governing law and dispute resolution) shall apply also to this DPA. However, in the event of conflict, the provisions of this DPA shall prevail over the provisions of the Service Agreement.


2. Duration of the process

Personal Data will be processed by the Supplier for the duration of the Service Agreement unless a longer or shorter period is agreed between the Parties in the Service Agreement or elsewhere in writing.

3. Types of personal data processed

For each event, Customer shall define what data is to be collected. Regarding each event, Supplier shall collect and store the processed data as defined by Customer. This type of data may include, for example, person’s name, required contact information, and if required age as well as other necessary additional information needed for event registration, participation, and payment. Reponsibility of defining this information is on customer alone.

Details may be further specified under the Service Agreement.

4. Definitions

The capitalized terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them below or in the text of this DPA.

“Affiliate” shall mean any legal entity which is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by a Party or directly or indirectly owning or controlling a Party or under the same direct or indirect ownership or control as a Party for so long as such ownership or control lasts.

“Data Protection Laws” shall mean EU Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and the data protection laws under the governing law of the Service Agreement applicable to the Processing hereunder from time to time. The Parties acknowledge and agree that in the time period prior to the EU Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) becoming applicable (expected on 25 May 2018), interpretation of this DPA shall be based on applicable data protection laws under the governing law of the Service Agreement.

“Personal Data” shall mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

“Personal Data Breach” shall mean a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed hereunder.

“Processing” shall mean any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction, of Personal Data.

“Sub-Processor” shall mean a processor contracted by the Data Processor to perform Processing hereunder, in part or in whole, on the Data Processor’s behalf.

5. Rights and obligations of the parties

Both Parties shall be responsible to ensure that the Processing is made in accordance with the Data Protection Laws which apply to each Party as well as good data processing practices.

The Data Controller shall

a) give the Data Processor documented and comprehensive instructions on the Processing, which instructions shall comply with the Data Protection Laws;

b) have the right and obligation to specify the purpose and means of Processing of Personal Data;

c) represent that all the data subjects of the Personal Data have been provided with all appropriate notices and information and establish and maintain for the relevant term the necessary legal grounds for transferring the Personal Data to the Data Processor and allowing the Data Processor to perform the Processing contemplated hereunder;

d) represent that if the Data Controller represents its Affiliates or third parties under this DPA, it has the legal grounds to enter into this DPA with the Data Processor and allow the Data Processor to process the Personal Data according to the terms of this DPA and the Service Agreement; and

e) confirm that the Processing stipulated under this DPA meets the Data Controller’s requirements including, but not limited to, with regard to intended security measures, and it has provided the Data Processor with all necessary information in order for the Data Processor to perform the Processing in compliance with the Data Protection Laws.

The Data Processor shall

a) perform the Processing only on and as per the documented, legitimate and reasonable instructions from the Data Controller unless required to do otherwise by Data Protection Laws, in which latter case the Data Processor shall inform the Data Controller of such deviating legal requirement (provided the Data Protection Laws do not prohibit such notification). For the avoidance of doubt, the Data Controller shall at all times be deemed to have instructed the Data Processor to provide the Service as defined and agreed under the Service Agreement;

b) ensure that persons authorised to perform the Processing hereunder have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality as further stated under this DPA;

c) take all security measures required to be taken by data processors under the Data Protection Laws as further stated under this DPA;

d) respect the conditions referred to under Data Protection Laws for engaging any Sub- Processor as further stated under this DPA;

e) insofar as this is possible and taking into account the nature of the Processing, assist the Data Controller by appropriate technical and organisational measures for the fulfilment of the Data Controller’s obligation to respond to requests for exercising the data subject’s rights laid down in under the Data Protection Laws;

f) assist the Data Controller in ensuring compliance with its legal obligations, such as, data security, data breach notification, data protection assessment and prior consulting obligations, as required of the Data Processor by the Data Protection Laws, taking into account the nature of Processing and the information available to the Data Processor;

g) maintain necessary records and make available to the Data Controller all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations of the Data Processor, as laid down in the Data Protection Laws, and allow for and contribute to audits, including inspections, conducted by the Data Controller or any auditor mandated by the Data Controller as further agreed under this DPA; and

h) at the Data Controller’s instructions, delete or return to the Data Controller all the Personal Data after the end of the provision of the Services relating to Processing, and delete existing copies unless applicable laws require storage of the Personal Data. Deletion and return methods may be further agreed between the Parties;

Unless otherwise agreed, the Data Processor shall have the right to invoice any costs resulting from the above assistance under e) and f) above in accordance with the Data Processor’s prevailing price list.

6. Security processing

Both Parties shall implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the Personal Data, taking into account:

a) the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, and

b) the risks that are presented by the Processing, in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to the Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Such measures include, inter alia as appropriate:

a) the pseudonymisation and encryption of the Personal Data;

b) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;

c) the ability to restore the availability and access to the Personal Data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident; and

d) a process for regularly testing, assessing, and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the Processing.

The Data Controller shall inform Data Processor of all issues (including but not limited to risk assessment and the inclusion of special categories of Personal Data) related to the Personal Data provided by the Data Controller which affect the technical and organizational measures that should be employed under this DPA.

7. Sub-processors

The Data Processor may from time to time use Sub-Processors to process the Personal Data hereunder. Sub-Processor(s) used in the provision of Services are listed in the Service Agreement. Sub-Processors agreed and used under the existing Services and Service Agreement shall be considered approved Sub-Processors. The companies listed on the Feedbacklys website are approved Sub-Processors at the time of entering into the Service Agreement.

Such use will be underwritten contract and the Data Processor will require the Sub-Processor to comply with the data protection obligations applicable to the Data Processor under this DPA or obligations which provide for the same level of data protection. The Data Processor will be liable for its Sub-Processor’s actions as for its own.

The Data Controller agrees that the Data Processor has general consent to use the Data Processor’s Affiliates as Sub-Processors when Processing Personal Data.

The Data Processor will inform the Data Controller in advance on any intended changes concerning the addition or replacement of Sub-Processors.

The sub-processors will also delete the personal data within 1 business day after the need to use data expires. E.g. after sending an email.

Approved sub-processors that may process personal information and data of the Feedbackly Product:

Google Cloud Platform – All Feedbackly data hosted in Hamina, Finland, EU

Sendgrid emails – Transactional email engine sending Feedbackly product emails. No other data included.

Auth0 – Feedbackly user authentication service. No end-user data, only Feedbackly’s customer login authentication, Germany, Frankfurt

Next Up Oy – Delivering SMS gateway service to Feedbackly’s messages, Finland

Open AI – Data and text analytics engine used in some occasion. Ireland

This DPA concern only Feedbackly and its direct customers, please see the marketing and sales register terms on this page:

8. Transfer of personal data

The Data Processor will only transfer Personal Data out of the territory of the member states of the European Union, the European Economic Area, or other countries which the European Commission has found to guarantee an adequate level of data protection (collectively, the “Approved Jurisdictions”) with the Data Controller’s prior written consent.

The data from outside of the EU may be transferred to the EU, processed, and may be transferred back to any country/area. This is due to the fact that personnel has access to the data also from outside of the EU but due to the regulations inside the company, we have restricted the access to the outside of the EU.

If required by applicable legislation, the Data Processor shall enter into relevant contractual arrangements with required parties (including with the Data Controller itself or any of the Data Controller’s Affiliates) for the lawful transfer of Personal Data from the Approved Jurisdiction to third countries.

Such contractual arrangements shall be carried out in accordance with the standard data protection clauses adopted or approved by the European Commission (“Standard Contractual Clauses”). As an alternative to entering into the Standard Contractual Clauses, the Data Processor may rely upon an alternative transfer safeguard permitting and providing for the lawful transfer of Personal Data outside of the Approved Jurisdictions, provided that such safeguard is in compliance with applicable legislation.

In case of conflict between the Standard Contractual Clauses or any other alternative transfer safeguard permitting the lawful transfer of Personal Data outside the Approved Jurisdictions and the DPA, the Standard Contractual Clauses or such alternative framework shall always take precedence over the Service Agreement and this DPA. If such a situation takes place that the personal information of the customer is handled outside of the EU, the provider will mark and report that information to the customer.

9. Notification of personal data breach

The Data Processor shall without undue delay (24h) notify the Data Controller if it, or one of its Sub-Processors, becomes aware of a Personal Data Breach. Information shall be provided to the contact person named by the Data Controller, if not otherwise agreed between the Parties.

The Data Processor shall without undue delay inform the Data Controller of the circumstances giving rise to the Personal Data Breach, and any other related information reasonably requested by the Data Controller and available to the Data Processor.

Additionally, to the extent it is available, the Data Processor shall provide to the Data Controller the following information:

a) a description of the nature of the Personal Data Breach including, where possible, the categories and approximate number of data subjects concerned and the categories and approximate number of Personal Data records concerned;

b) a description of the likely consequences of the personal data breach; and

c) a description of the measures taken or proposed to be taken by the Data Processor to address the Personal Data Breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects.

10. Auditing

The Data Controller and its customers whose data may be processed hereunder shall be entitled to audit the Data Processor’s performance of its Processing obligations under this DPA (“Audit”).

The Data Controller shall use external auditors who are not competitors of the Data Processor, to conduct such an Audit. The Parties shall agree well in advance on the time and other details relating to the conduct of such Audits.

The Audit shall be conducted in such a manner that the Data Processor’s undertakings towards third parties (including but not limited to the Data Processor’s customers, partners and vendors) are in no way jeopardized. All the Data Controller’s representatives or external auditors participating in the Audit shall execute customary confidentiality undertakings towards the Data Processor.

The Data Processor shall always allow any relevant regulatory authority supervising the Data Controller’s business to conduct Audits of the Data Processor’s operations, in which case relevant parts of the Parties’ agreement hereunder shall apply.

The Data Controller shall bear all Audit expenses, and compensate the Data Processor for any and all costs incurred as a result of the Audit.

11. Confidentiality

The Data Processor shall:

a) keep any Personal Data received from the Data Controller confidential;

b) ensure that persons authorized to process the Personal Data have committed themselves to confidentiality; and

c) ensure that Personal Data is not disclosed to third parties without the Data Controller’s prior written consent, unless the Data Processor is obliged by mandatory law or decree to disclose such information.

In case data subjects or governmental authorities make a request concerning Personal Data, the Data Processor shall, as soon as reasonably possible, inform the Data Controller about such requests before providing any response or taking other action concerning the Personal Data.

In case any applicable authority prescribes an immediate response to a disclosure request, the Data Processor shall inform the Data Controller as soon as reasonably possible, unless the Supplier is prohibited by mandatory law or authority order to disclose such information.

12. Limitation of liability

The limitations of liability set out under the Service Agreement shall apply also to this DPA.

The Parties agree that the general principle of division of responsibilities between the Parties relating to administrative fines imposed by any relevant supervisory authority or claims by data subjects under this DPA is based on the principle that the respective Party needs to fulfil its own obligations under the Data Protection Laws. Hence, any administrative fines imposed or damages ordered should be paid by the Party that has failed in its performance of its legal obligations under the Data Protection Laws, as decided by the relevant supervisory authority or competent court authorized to impose such fines or damages. Therefore, the limitations of liability set out under the Service Agreement shall not, however, apply such fines.

13. Term and Termination

This DPA shall be in effect as long as the Parties have Service Agreements between them in force.

All provisions which by nature are intended to survive the termination of this DPA shall remain in full force and effect regardless of the termination of this DPA.

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