Free Customer Journey Map Template For Ecommerce

Customer jouney map template for retail businesses

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A customer journey map is like a puzzle. For eCommerce, this puzzle can be very complex or it can be very straightforward – but the same rules apply. Every customer touchpoint you have to make up the pieces of your customer journey, building each stage bit by bit to reveal the overall picture of your e-commerce store. From the first online ad, they see on Google or Facebook all the way to the product/service delivery and customer service. As things get more and more complicated, some simplification and structure is needed to maintain a big picture perspective. To start building your customer journey, you will need something to start from. That’s why we created this easy to follow the Customer Journey Map template, especially for eCommerce companies.

What is Customer Journey Map template?

This Customer Journey Map template will allow you to keep track of your customer journey by laying out each step in one place. You can enter customer activity, goals, touchpoints, feedback, etc. for each step of the customer journey. By mapping out your customer journey, you will immediately get a more high-level perspective of your overall customer experience performance. The long-term consequences of which will help your company make better decisions that directly and hugely impact your customer satisfaction.

Why eCommerce businesses should use customer journey mapping?

eCommerce companies love data – meaningful data. Google analytics and other hard KPI’s help to answer some critical questions but do you really know why your customers are behaving the way they do? You need to see how your customers interact with you in each step of the customer journey, and this journey will change depending on your industry and business model.

Different touchpoints behave differently and it is important to be able to identify the areas in which your feedback data originates – meaning that your customer satisfaction levels in the awareness phase should be differentiated from your customer satisfaction level in the product/service delivery phase. Is the unhappiness, or happiness, originating from the delivery difficulties or from the process of actually buying the products? As customer and consumer behavior is changing constantly, it is really important to stay up to date. e.g. this year it is predicted that most consumers will be shopping from the desktop – not mobile! Read more about the latest eCommerce market research here.

If you are not taking advantage of customer journey mapping, you cannot be sure that you will be making the correct business decisions and are potentially adding unnecessary risk to your operations.

Try downloading this free customer journey map template and use it in conjunction with Feedbackly to see exactly how your customer feedback effects performance and vice versa. Enjoy this download and head over here to see many more of our free ebooks, templates and checklists.

Download our free Customer Journey Map template here:

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