Feedbackly Receives Leverage From The EU

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Feedbackly is a Finnish startup dedicated to improving customer experiences and helping companies to increase their sales through intelligent upsell. With Feedbackly, companies can gather feedback from their customers in all potential touchpoints from bricks-and-mortar stores to eCommerce sites and even email and SMS to target intelligent up-sell campaigns based on their customer experience data.

Feedbackly has received leverage from the Eu. Feedbackly has been partly funded by European Regional Development Fund during the year 2020. The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. The ERDF focuses its investments on several key priority areas. This is known as ‘thematic concentration. Innovation and research, The digital agenda, Support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), The low-carbon economy.

Feedbackly receives funds for innovation and internationalization operations all together 2% of their whole funding base. The funding is faced towards developing new business operations for a smaller company to grow faster.

“We really can offer companies a modern way to improve their customer experience with our all-in-one package and help them quite literally save thousands of euros a year, compared to the old way of gathering and getting the best out of customer feedback”, tells CEO, Jaakko Männistö. “Most companies don’t understand yet that customer experience is actually all about pushing sales. We can offer an instant return on investment from customer experience activities and we are the only one that can. For this, we are really excited!”, he adds.

The new part of the business that is under development with the help of the EU is considering emotional measurement, how can we better understand digital experiences and remote working experiences as more and more people work from home offices.

The toolkit works with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) principle and brings several benefits to companies using it. Companies can gather in-depth information on what their customers think about them in every step of the customer journey, create satisfied customers and improve sales through immediate sales tools.

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