Most Popular Customer Feedback Questions

Emotional Experience survey

Customer feedback helps businesses view their brand from a customer’s perspective. You get a better understanding of the strengths and pain points through them. Surveys are one of the best ways to gather customer feedback promptly. Asking the right questions in your survey is vital to get the most useful responses from customers. Create simple […]

Comparison of The Main Customer Experience KPIs

Customer experience KPIs

Understanding and tracking customer experience KPIs is crucial for any business looking to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is often asked how one should know which key performance indicator they should use to measure their Customer Experience. Ideally, a Customer Experience KPI is a number that you can follow on a regular bases to […]

How Improving Brand Equity Can Increase Your Profit

stong brand equity

What is brand equity? Why is it important for your business? What does CX have to do with it? Brand equity refers to the worth or value of your brand. There’s both positive and negative brand equity based on how a particular brand/business is perceived in society. Positive brand equity is when a business has […]

How to Improve Your Digital Customer Experience?

Digital Customer Experience

Digital Customer Experience refers to a customer’s overall perception of your business based on their interactions with your business on digital platforms. It can also be defined as the sum of all the interactions between a brand and customer across various digital channels such as email, website, mobile applications, social media, etc. Ever since the […]

Why Gathering Feedback from Mobile Users Is on the Rise

Collecting customer feedback via mobile devices

Over the years, CX experts around the world have repeatedly emphasized the importance of adopting a multichannel program. Why? Because customers reach out and engage with a brand via a multitude of channels throughout the customer journey. For example, a customer might come across your brand via an online advertisement, browse your products on your […]

Why Should Your Business Measure Emotional Experience?

Measuring Emotional Experience

Emotions play a big part in our lives. Everything from relationships to day-to-day purchases is governed by emotions up to some extent.  Have you ever thought about the role played by customer emotions on your business? It’s a vital aspect of learning about your ideal customer persona and how to make them feel satisfied. In […]

Ilmainen webinaari: Mitä NPS:n jälkeen? Tunnekokemus valtaa markkinoita suositteluindeksiltä

EVI survey for measuring Emotional Experience

Webinaari saatavana nyt tallenteena! >> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä Teknologian kehittyessä entistä nopeampaa, asiakaskokemuksesta ja sen johtamisesta on tullut tärkein pitkän aikavälin kilpailuetu, jota myös halutaan johtaa ja mitata. Sen vuoksi mittaamisesta on tullut suositumpaa kuin koskaan, eikä syyttä. Teknologian nopeassa kehityksessä vain harvat yritykset pystyvät kilpailemaan puhtaasti teknologian pohjalta ja jättämään asiakkaan huomiotta. Asiakaskokemus […]

How B2B Companies Are Embracing the Art of Customer Experience

Customer Experience - happy customers

Ever since customer experience became the defining factor of customer behavior, B2C companies started to invest heavily in improving it. They realized that customers are willing to pay for better, personalized, and convenient experiences.  But, it wasn’t the same case with B2Bs until recently. For a long time, B2Bs paid little to no attention to […]