Virtual Fireside Chat with Stockmann: Emotional Experience – What, How, Why

Recording now available! Join us for a cozy fireside chat to learn how and why Stockmann, one of the biggest retailers in Finland, is measuring Emotional Experience. Date: Wednesday, March 30 Time: 9 AM EDT (UTC -4)/4 PM EEST (UTC +3) Running time: 60 min >> Enjoy your free recording here PS! On March 29th 2022 took […]

Virtuaalinen takkakeskustelu Stockmannin kanssa: Tunnekokemus – mikä, miten ja miksi? (in Finnish)

Liity seuraamme rentoon takkakeskusteluun kuulemaan, miten ja miksi Stockmann, yksi Suomen suurimmista vähittäiskaupan toimijoista, mittaa tunnekokemusta. Milloin? Tiistaina 29. maaliskuuta 2022 klo 16:00Missä? VerkossaKesto: 60 min >> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä Tunnekokemuksen on todettu olevan käänteentekevä sitä mittaaville yrityksille. Asiakaskokemuksen ja markkinoinnin ammattilaiset ovat entistä kiinnostuneempia oppimaan, kuinka he voivat mitata ja hallita asiakkaiden tunteita. Tästä syystä kutsui […]

Pro Tip: A Simple Emotional Experience Survey for Purchase Stage

EVI survey for measuring Emotional Experience

Emotions go beyond the willingness to promote and recommend as well as ease of use or doing business – CSAT, CES, NPS, etc are good – but not enough. Emotions drive our purchase behavior – 46% of consumers say that customer experience is the main driver of the purchase decision whereas pricing is only 20%. […]

How to Measure the Impact of Human Emotions on Your Business?

Happy customer experience

As a business owner, you might already be aware that customer emotions – be it indifference, joy, or dissatisfaction, have an impact on your business. But did you know that prioritizing and analyzing customer emotions can benefit your brand in a multitude of ways?  Customer emotions influence many factors like satisfaction, loyalty, advocacy, and brand […]

How Data Analytics Helps You Optimize Customer Experience

real-time customer journey analyses

Customer Experience is one of the major factors that attracts or deters customers from your business. It has the potential to help your brand stand out from the rest and gain leverage in the competitive market.  A great CX program stems from a thorough understanding of your customers. It is only by understanding their emotions, […]

Why Feedbackly is the Best CXM Tool for Automotive Industry

Best CX tool for automotive industry

If you are engaged in the automotive industry and are looking for resources that would help you optimize the customer experience in your business, this article is for you! Customer behavior in the automotive industry is unique, and therefore attracting and retaining clients need a different strategy. Think about it. Most of the time, buying […]

EVI vs. NPS – Which CX Metric is Better?

NPS survey & EVI survey

If you have implemented a CX strategy for your business, you would know that CX metrics are an important aspect of it. They help you keep track of changing customer behavior and the performance of your business more effectively.  When it comes to measuring CX, EVI® and NPS are two indispensable KPIs used by businesses […]