What is Emotional Value Index®?

Emotional Value Index (EVI®) is a CX KPI designed to measure emotional experience. It tries to capture customers’ emotional engagement with the brand as they go through different stages of the customer journey. In this regard, emotional experience is customer experience evaluated using emotions.

How to Translate Your Customer Feedback Data into Numbers?


You might be familiar with the benefits of collecting customer feedback and how to do it using numerous channels and KPI surveys. But do you know how to optimize its rewards? If not, you are not alone. Although many businesses have increased their focus on gathering customer feedback data, they are not sure how to […]

What is Customer Emotion? The Must Know

Women jump

Lately, there’s a lot of priority given to customer emotions in the field of customer experience. Brands that are in the know about its impact are so focused on evoking the right customer emotions that are profitable for their business. But what is customer emotion? Customer emotions refer to the emotions that customers experience when […]

How to Use Net Promoter Score Right?

Analyzing data

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a CX metric designed to measure customer loyalty through their likeliness to promote the business to others. It shows you the percentage of customers who might engage in word-of-mouth marketing, advocating for your brand. Companies worldwide utilize NPS to assess brand loyalty and gauge retention rates. But, it’s noteworthy that […]

Boost Your Sales with Emotional Value Index (EVI®)

Purchase payment

For a business, there’s nothing more eye-candy than seeing customers flock to your store, admire your products, and go back with their hands full. But does this seem like a far-fetched dream for your business? Then, what you need is a fresh strategy! If your business is not profiting from a higher number of sales […]

Top 3 Customer Experience Trends to Follow

Customer experience trends

Customer experience is paramount for a brand’s growth and success. It helps you differentiate your product or service from the rest. Businesses are now making it their top priority to deliver an exceptional customer experience that serves the best interests of their customers.  But, as with every other field, CX is evolving. The ever-changing buyer […]

Why Measuring Emotional Experience Is a Must-do?

Customer emotions

“Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” As the old saying goes, the best way to promote a product is by showing customers how they will feel about a purchase, even before purchase. It means you have to win their emotions.  Emotions play a dominant role in customer decisions. So, in this competitive world, it has […]

Why NPS is not enough?

Customer experience analytics

Ah, the NPS! The celebrated KPI was considered phenomenal when it first arrived decades ago. You might be familiar with it too.  The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that helps us assess customers’ likeliness to promote or recommend a brand to others. It asks the customer to rate their answer on a scale […]

Survey Monkey but better!

NPS customer feedback survey example

From time to time our customers and people ask me what is the thing that makes you different and better for your customers than your competition, let’s say e.g. Survey Monkey? This is the most common question simply because Survey Monkey is one of the pioneers in the CX industry and they have reached cool […]