The Best Customer Experience Metrics for eCommerce

eCommerce CX

Customer Experience (CX) metrics are used to track, measure, and evaluate how customers regard their experience with a company. They are invaluable for eCommerce stores where the opportunity to communicate and engage face-to-face with customers is scarce. These metrics help brands gauge if they are meeting consumer expectations and also identify gaps and pain points […]

Why Was Emotional Value Index (EVI®) Developed

Planning meeting

Emotional Value Index (EVI®), in a word, is brilliant. Not to brag, but the many client testimonials and data prove it to be one of the most effective and versatile CX metrics available today. In this article, we explain why it was developed and how it resolves the drawbacks of other CX metrics. The shift […]

CX KPIs to Measure Across Your Customer Journey

Measuring customer experience KPIs

Customers love to do business with companies that offer them a happy, rewarding, and effortless experience. Brands that provide a phenomenal customer journey by making their customers feel on top of the world enjoy consistent and high revenue.  CX KPIs help you track and measure the quality and efficacy of the customer journey and fine-tune […]

Comparison of The Main Customer Experience KPIs

Customer experience KPIs

Understanding and tracking customer experience KPIs is crucial for any business looking to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is often asked how one should know which key performance indicator they should use to measure their Customer Experience. Ideally, a Customer Experience KPI is a number that you can follow on a regular bases to […]

Ilmainen webinaari: Mitä NPS:n jälkeen? Tunnekokemus valtaa markkinoita suositteluindeksiltä

EVI survey for measuring Emotional Experience

Webinaari saatavana nyt tallenteena! >> Katso ilmainen tallenne täältä Teknologian kehittyessä entistä nopeampaa, asiakaskokemuksesta ja sen johtamisesta on tullut tärkein pitkän aikavälin kilpailuetu, jota myös halutaan johtaa ja mitata. Sen vuoksi mittaamisesta on tullut suositumpaa kuin koskaan, eikä syyttä. Teknologian nopeassa kehityksessä vain harvat yritykset pystyvät kilpailemaan puhtaasti teknologian pohjalta ja jättämään asiakkaan huomiotta. Asiakaskokemus […]

4 Reasons Why Customer Experience Programs Fail

Are you disappointed in your CX program because it hasn’t been able to deliver the expected results? It could even be frustrating, especially if you have put in a lot of effort into designing a strategic program you thought would help you win. Well, don’t give up yet. The problem isn’t because CX is a […]

How CX Impacts Your Business Revenue

Better CX

Statistics show that companies with a CX-centric mindset drive higher revenue of 4-8% than their counterparts. There are many more studies that prove customer experience is an inevitable factor to boost revenue and spur growth in a business.  But, how can you precisely correlate and identify how emotions of customers impact revenue? That is to […]

How to use NPS (Net Promoter Score)?

How to use NPS

Net Promoter Score (NPS) essentially measures the likeliness of customers to recommend your business to others. The concept first appeared in 2003 in the article on Harvard Business Review, which identified NPS as the “only number you need to grow.” After all, loyalty is a strong reflection of good CX.  Today, it has become a […]

The Best Ways to Collect Actionable Customer Feedback

CX and actionable feedback

When a brand improves the customer experience, they’re likely to see repeat customers and increased patronage. According to several surveys, loyal customers are five times more likely to repurchase and are four times more likely to refer others. Meanwhile, a customer experience study on Forbes states that 32% of consumers will drop a brand they […]