The 4 Cornerstones Of Customer Experience

There are as many approaches to customer experience as there are professionals in the field. But when talking about the cornerstones, we’re explicitly referring to operational customer experience and customer experience management. In other words, what are the basics building blocks of a customer experience strategy and how can you put them together to create […]

5 Ways To Boost CX Using Customer Journey Maps

Customer journey mapping is a hot topic in the world of customer experience (CX). It is a powerful tool that enables companies to monitor the many customer touchpoints within their organisation, while continuously improving processes and developing a world-class customer experience. Even though it seems like a relatively new concept, the reality is that we […]

Managing Your Customer Journey With Feedbackly

This concept of the “customer journey” is probably familiar to most of you who are reading this, but it likely holds no more meaning than any other marketing buzzword that we are bombarded with on a daily basis. What many don’t realize is that the customer journey is a concept which should not be thought […]

Customer Experience Trends In 2018

Customer Experience in 2018 Jaakko Mannisto

2017 has drawn to a close, a brand new year is upon us and so it’s about time we started to look forward to the exciting new possibilities for Customer Experience trends for 2018. We will take a look at what is most likely to happen with CX measurement over the coming months and give […]