What is a Good NPS Score?

Net Promoter Score

It is costlier to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one. This much has been clear for those of us heavily invested in the field of CX. Therefore, it’s important that businesses focus heavily on building customer loyalty. It not only helps in retaining clients but also attracts leads through word-of-mouth marketing. […]

How to use NPS (Net Promoter Score)?

How to use NPS

Net Promoter Score (NPS) essentially measures the likeliness of customers to recommend your business to others. The concept first appeared in 2003 in the article on Harvard Business Review, which identified NPS as the “only number you need to grow.” After all, loyalty is a strong reflection of good CX.  Today, it has become a […]

What Do Customers Think Of Feedbackly? Our NPS Score

Feedbackly NPS Score

At Feedbackly we strongly believe that to be the best in your industry, you must consistently listen to your customers and make changes to suit their needs. Only your customers know exactly how they feel about your company and can provide the best insights into how your product could change their lives, steering you towards […]