What Does a Great CX Team Look Like?

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At Feedbackly, we constantly educate our audience on the importance of CX and the many benefits it brings to a business. Now that you have made successful CX management a priority, you would want to know if your team is doing it right. We can also assume that you are just starting to form a CX team in your organization and want to do it right! 

Either way, this article is going to help you with it.

Before we begin to outline some great features of a successful CX team, it’s important that you know there’s no one fixated model. Like your product, like your customer, every CX management strategy can be different. But here are the common elements of a great CX team!

A Leader with a Solid Vision and Understanding 

Like every other team in the organization, CX also calls for good leadership to drive the team towards success. A CX leader has to understand the bigger picture of CX management, its conceptual aspects, and the best customer-oriented strategies very well. You need to have a leader with a clear focus, strong enthusiasm, and a powerful vision. 

More importantly, a leader needs to be a great team player who collaborates with other co-workers like equals and work towards delivering the best customer experience for their clientele. Leadership is vital to disseminate the value of happy customers throughout the organization.

To become the one, start with following great CX blogs (like this one ;)), participate in the webinars (e.g. CXforum has monthly free webinars), follow CX thought leaders in Linkedin, and just be eager to continuously learn more about CX and customer-oriented strategies.

CX is Represented at the Top Management Level

We are going to say it with no-frills. A CX strategy, no matter how effective and flawless it may seem, is not going to work if it isn’t backed up by top-level management. If the company leaders don’t understand the power of CX and how it can boost every other branch in the business, the efforts of the CX team wouldn’t be fully rewarded. 

Happy customers should be the priority of every rung in your organization if you are to create happy customers at every touchpoint throughout the customer journey. Customer experience should be a mantra in every unit in the organization, and that notion should trickle from top to bottom.

Read this article to find out how to convince your C-Suite that measuring CX is important.

A Holistic Approach

A haphazard process will lead to haphazard results. Therefore, a dedicated CX team should cover everything from designing goals to taking action according to a comprehensive plan. Only then it’s possible to optimize the entire customer journey and achieve the objectives of CX management. 

First, it’s important to have clear goals and objectives. Then, you should devise a feasible strategy to achieve them. As feedback and data collection is integral to any CX strategy, it should be done promptly and regularly. Then, the CX team should analyze those feedbacks in-depth to identify areas that need improvement. Finally, relevant actions should be taken based on the insights. All of these should be implemented, monitored, and managed for a well-rounded approach.

The Key Roles in a CX Team

The size of the CX team differs from organization to organization, although they all focus on the same functionalities. However, the size of the team determines the roles involved in it. More often, a CX team comprises a leader known as VC or CCO of CX, in charge of heading the group. Some other roles are CX administrator in charge of coordination, data analyst, data strategist, communications manager, and CX design lead. 

If an organization cannot afford to have such a team, there will be a CX leader to connect with employees in other teams, such as HR, Accounting, Product Design, Marketing, etc. Each team will follow its own CX-related KPIs to keep track of the performance under the leader’s guidance. 

If you want to simplify and enhance the CX management process in your organization, check out also Feedbackly. It will help you gather, monitor, and analyze customer feedback and make the right decisions based on the insights.

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