Why and When You Should Consider CX Trainings

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Does your organization need CX-oriented training? Is it really that important? Can’t you figure it out on your own? Well, the Future CX Outlook Report dives into this subject following its research on CX training. After interviewing 500+ businesses globally, the report concludes that organizations around the world are heavily investing in Customer Experience training. 

The report sheds light on the fact that businesses both small and large have realized the immense impact of CX on organizational success and want to ensure optimum readiness to adapt for CX change. With training, they aim to get all their employees on board with their strategy, build a customer-centric mindset among all teams, and align teams to create happier customers together. 

A holistic CX approach is only possible with a well-planned training session for all employees. So, if your business hasn’t given it a thought yet, now is the time to do it! 

When you should consider CX training?

To build a customer-centric organization 

If you examine the brands that have a strong foothold and reputation in the market, one common factor you will notice is that they have a loyal customer base. Aspects like customer satisfaction and loyalty can only be cultivated with exceptional customer experience. So, if you want to succeed in the market and remain competitive among your rivals, CX is the key. 

CX training is essential for businesses that prioritize CX and want to build a customer-centered organization. Comprehensive training will ensure that your CX management strategy is understood by employees in every rung. Training programs educate them on the importance of CX and how it benefits their everyday work in the end. Eventually, CX will be the driving factor that motivates every employee to work at their optimum level.

To align teams to support your business CX goals and activities 

If your finance, IT, customer support, marketing, and other teams are operating independently with a set of objectives specific to their own unit, it can lead to many issues. There could be a lack of flow of information among teams, contradicting objectives, and stunted growth due to it. Eventually, all of this impacts the customers negatively.

CX training programs are also helpful in bringing multiple teams/functional units in the organization under one common motive. It will also eliminate silos that exist within the company. For example, with the right CX training, the marketing team will make correct promises, the technical team will improve eCommerce based on CX data, and the customer support team will have the correct answers to the support questions. It will solve the majority of customer pain points. CX training helps your co-workers, colleagues, or employees to understand the bigger picture and their role in the CX agenda. 

To execute the best CX program

A good CX training program will guide you through the basics of building a solid CX management strategy. You will understand what resources and tools are required to kickstart your program successfully. The training programs and one-on-one consultation are conducted by CX experts who have engaged with various businesses in various industries. They bring vast knowledge and expertise to the table. So you will be learning from the best! At CX Academy, our experts will also be there to guide you until you learn the ropes of CX management.

Moreover, when you become a part of the CX Academy, you will be able to connect with many CX experts, widen your network, and gain help whenever necessary. The improved exposure to the worldwide CX community and helpful tips from CX professionals will be highly beneficial for your CX program. 

How Does CX Training Happen?

The CX Academy offers online courses on various aspects of CX. You can sign up for them or take a personalized CX consultation program that offers training specific to your customers and your organization’s needs. Or, you can choose a combination of both for a well-rounded training experience.

Our onboarding program at Feedbackly is considered a very practical CX education program for stakeholders. We have noticed that our clients love the onboarding program as it offers a good head start to begin CX programs. Following it, many also sign up for online courses on CX Academy and a monthly consultation for personalized help to carry out their businesses successfully.


I like that with Feedbackly we’re working towards goals as a team. Feedbackly is not just offering support on how to use the tool. They help with deciding what to add and when and where. What we get is not only customer support – they’re offering their CX expertise. It’s rather like having a business partner who’s helping us to get what we want.”

– Hanna Sairinen, Chief Digital Officer @ IVALO.COM


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