Why Emotional Value Index (EVI®) is the New Rockstar of CX

Emotional value index is the new rockstar of cx

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Ever since we introduced EVI® to our Feedbackly customers, the response has been overwhelming. It’s a metric that seems to hit all the right notes and help businesses accelerate their growth. As emotions are a decisive factor in consumer purchases, EVI® is able to bring brands vital information related to consumer preferences and expectations.

Today, let’s talk about how this game-changing metric helps in improving CX and the customer journey!

Capturing Emotional Connection

EVI® is a measure of emotional experience that encapsulates elements that go beyond just satisfaction. It shows how customers regard your business emotionally or how they particularly feel about your brand.

You might already be familiar with conventional metrics like C-SAT and NPS. While they are designed to measure specific aspects of customer experience, EVI® offers a more comprehensive picture. By understanding the level of emotional connection between customers and the brand, you can determine customers’ satisfaction level, loyalty, advocacy, and lifetime value. If you want to find whether your brand’s appeal makes a good first impression or customers find the after-sales service satisfactory, EVI® can help.

It’s also noteworthy that fostering a strong emotional engagement with your customers can help you increase your competitiveness in the market. In this regard, EVI® can help you measure and improve the emotional experience.

Uncovering Emotional Drivers

Many times, our emotions tend to impede our rationality when it comes to purchasing decisions. A classic example is the impulsive purchases consumers make during feel-good moments. EVI® is a resourceful tool for identifying emotional triggers that lead customers toward their reactions and buying behaviors.

Simply put, you can determine the specific emotions that affect a customer’s opinion regarding your brand and its products, their engagement level, purchase size and frequency, and loyalty.
EVI® helps us identify positive and negative customer sentiments to evaluate how they will affect your brand and its growth.

When businesses have an accurate idea of their customer preferences, it’s easier to offer a personalized customer experience with informative content, relevant product suggestions, and useful promos and bundle offers. Identifying the emotional drivers also help in making targeted improvements that your clients will love to notice!

Addressing Pain Points and Opportunities

EVI® data offers valuable insights for brands, especially when it’s paired with other metrics like CES and NPS for more contextual information. Also, you can use this powerful metric to measure and evaluate an individual touchpoint, any stage in the customer journey, and the whole experience. The versatility of EVI® makes it a quintessential tool for brands that deal with a complex web of touchpoints because they offer both online and in-store experiences.

Using EVI®, you can identify areas that lack performance and efficiency. When customers denote indifference, anger, or frustration, it’s a clear indication that something is wrong. As every emotion is given a weightage based on severity, understanding the gravity of the pain point is not difficult either.

Similarly, EVI® also highlights areas where your brand excels in performance and meets customer expectations effectively. When customers respond with happiness and joy, they are more likely to champion your brand. Based on customers’ emotional reactions, brands can also tap into new opportunities and expand their offerings.

Aligning with Customer Expectations

Seeking omnichannel experiences, prompt assistance, and a myriad of choices, the modern consumer is complex and difficult to please. But, EVI® surveys can notify you what customers prefer, what they don’t, and what they like differently. Based on the insights gathered from customer sentiments, you can streamline the buying journey and improve the experience to align with customer expectations.

With EVI®, you get to know your customer and their lifestyle better. You get a better understanding of their requirements and how they aim to fulfill them. Through this, brands have the opportunity to create meaningful experiences that transgress beyond a commercial one. Fostering a deep and long-term relationship with the clientele helps you nurture a high level of loyalty and also benefit from word-of-mouth marketing.

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